2021第八屆台灣國際酷兒影展 簡介

Rainbow Aboriginal



Rainbow Aboriginal Section
Finlandia (2020) by Horacio Alacla, documented the stories of Muxes, indigenous transgender from Mexico, and how a devasting earthquake affects their lives. Two short films from Hawaii, The Rogers (2020), captures the lives of transgender men in the Pacific Islands, and Kapaemahu (2020), a masterful animation about the four mysterious healing stones on Waikiki Beach. Kapaemahu is shortlisted for Best Animated Short Film at the 93rd Academy Awards. 


奧拉西奧‧阿爾卡拉 Horacio Alcala|西班牙、墨西哥 Spain, Mexico|2020|Colour|120 min

「時尚雜誌(Vogue)墨西哥與英國合作,首次令穆克斯成了知名時尚攝影師提姆.沃克(Tim Walker)鏡頭下的主角。」—《時代》雜誌

一場毀滅性地震,重創了墨西哥南部的瓦哈卡州,也為墨西哥原住民的變性人群體「穆克斯 (Muxes)」的生活帶來劇變。在地震過後被尋獲的第一具屍體德利里奧(Delirio),即是這當中的一名年長穆克斯。德利里奧既非男人,也不是女人;身為年輕穆克斯們的精神領袖和導師。德利里奧在當地獨領先鋒,奮鬥長達數十年,便是為了要讓這些和德利里奧有相同境遇的人們,能夠在這個父權體制與男性優位的社會中取得一席之地。 


“Several Muxes were photographed by Tim Walker, a renowned fashion photographer, in a collaboration between Vogue Mexico and British Vogue.” - TIME Magazine. 
A devastating earthquake hits Oaxaca, a state in southern Mexico, and this seismic movement has caused physical and emotional tremors for the lives of the Muxes, indigenous transgender. The first body found after the earthquake belongs to Delirio, an elderly Muxe. Delirio is not a man or a woman. Delirio is a pioneer that has fought for decades so that people like Delirio could find their place in a patriarchal and sexist society. Delirio is a spiritual leader and mentor for the young Muxes. 
About the Director 
Horacio Alcalá, born in Guadalajara, Mexico in 1978, is a film director and screenwriter. After 7 years working at the Cirque du Soleil, Horacio moved to Madrid and began working as a director on different visual arts and circus narrative projects. 





短片放映《薩摩亞跨紀事》The Rogers
迪恩.哈默Dean Hamer &喬.威爾森Joe Wilson|夏威夷 Hawaii|2020|Colour|17min


An intimate glimpse into the lives of those who formed the first visible group of transgender men in the Pacific Islands - The Rogers of Samoa – as they build an outside oven (umu) ing many obstacles, their stories illustrate the power of those rejected by society to create their community.




希娜勒姆安納.王卡盧Hinaleimoana Wong-Kalu &迪恩.哈默Dean Hamer &喬.威爾森Joe Wilson|夏威夷 Hawaii|2020|Colour| 9min


Long ago, four extraordinary individuals of dual male and female spirit brought the healing arts from Tahiti to Hawaii. The name of their leader was Kapaemahu. Beloved by the people for their gentle ways and miraculous cures, they imbued four giant boulders with their powers. The stones still stand on Waikiki Beach, but the true story behind them has been hidden – until now.


 放 映 資 訊

放映日期:2021/10/13 (三)、2021/10/21 (四)、2021/10/25 (一)


放映時間:選購場次當日 00:00~23:59 (請把握時間觀賞)

放映地點:KKTIX 虛擬場館

購票方式:KKTIX 網站

票  價:早鳥優惠票 NT$110 / 期間票 NT$130(可觀看本單元三部作品)


官  網:https://www.tiqff.com/

臉  書:https://www.facebook.com/tiqff



1. 請於購票完成後,憑收到的兌換碼至 兌換綜覽頁 兌換所選購的場次,放映當天請選擇兌換的票券進入觀賞。

2. 請留意兌換後,每部片(《穆克斯》、《薩摩亞跨紀事》、《卡佩瑪胡石神話》)可觀賞時間為選購場次 00:00~23:59 敬請把握時間觀賞。

3. 提醒您!請務必於放映場次前一日兌換完畢,以免影響您觀賞權利。





【大單元四】向原民致敬 Rainbow Aboriginal  2021/10/13  《穆克斯》Finlandia
《薩摩亞跨紀事》The Rogers
 2021/10/21  《穆克斯》Finlandia
《薩摩亞跨紀事》The Rogers
 2021/10/25  《穆克斯》Finlandia
《薩摩亞跨紀事》The Rogers

Event Dates