2021第八屆台灣國際酷兒影展 簡介





Q-Topia program, six short films' unique and futurist storytellings on LGBTIQ representation.


《雄雞卡克》 A Cockerel’s Tale
謝沛如|台灣 Taiwan|2019|Color|21 min|劇情Feature Film



A young rooster’s life takes a sensual, unexpected turn as he’s chosen to become a breeder of a native chicken farm. 

About the Director
Based in Taipei, Taiwan, HSIEH earned her MFA at Columbia University. Her feature debut, HEAVY CRAVING was selected for Busan International Film Festival; won FIPRESCI Prize at the 56th Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival and Audience Choice Award at International New Talent Competition of the 21st Taipei Film Festival.




《不完美的完美》 Imperfectly Complete
邱新達|台灣 Taiwan|2021|Color|14 min|劇情Feature Film


邱新達,出生於台北,從事廣告工作多年後旅美進修,畢業於美國南加州大學(USC)電影製作研究所,作品多關注社會議題。編導LGBTQ短片《日落日出》Sunset Sunrise入圍多個電影節,並於南加大亞太影展(USC Asian Pacific Film Festival)獲得評審團大獎。他也熱愛攝影,所掌鏡的紀錄短片操偶人生(Life on a String)入圍2019年美國電影攝影師協會(ASC)紀錄片類學生攝影獎。

Lucy has been taking care of Owen, a blind guitarist she admires, for years. One day, Owen received a phone call from the hospital. They have a cornea donor for him and he will be able to regain his vision. Lucy is happy for Owen, but in the meantime, she also faces the struggle of whether to reveal her true identity to Owen. She is afraid Owen will leave her once he knows who she really is. On the day Owen regains his vision, Lucy makes her decision…

About the Director
Bruce Chiu, born in Taipei and worked in the advertising industry for many years before went to America to study filmmaking at the University of Southern California. Many of his works focus on social issues. He directed and also as screenwriter for the short film Sunset Sunrise was selected in multiple film festivals and won the Jury Prize at the USC Asian Pacific Film Festival. He is the cinematographer for the short film Life on a String, and nominated Student Documentary award at the 2019 American Society of Cinematographers.




《白馬,銀礦》White Horses, Silver Mine
金子亦|中國 China|2020|Color|15 min|劇情 Feature Film



In a small Mexican village, an unexpected car is going to take a little boy’s beloved uncle away, who has been his father’s secret lover for years.

About the Director
Having made several experimental and narrative shorts in L.A., Jin went to Mexico in 2019 to shoot the short film White Horses, Silver Mine. The plot revolves around the separation of two Mexican homosexual men. By presenting fragments of human life, her works shed insight into “unsolvable'' human contradictions under border cultural contexts. Jin’s background in cultural studies at college (UNNC) is the driving force behind her passion towards analysing cultural differences, and aids her in handling cross-cultural situations in filmmaking. In 2020, she earned her MFA in Film Directing program at California Institute of the Arts.




《再見臺北》  Goodbye Taipei
陳暐|台灣Taiwan、德國Germany|2021|Color|13 min|劇情Feature Film


陳暐,台灣台北人,大學畢業於國立臺北藝術大學電影創作學系,其畢製《伊卡洛斯的翅膀》曾於2019台灣國際酷兒影展放映,畢業後便擔任影視獨立工作者。2019年於德國MetFilm School Berlin攻讀電影導演碩士,《再見臺北》即為他於該校就讀時期拍攝的畢業作品。

Yang, a Taiwanese guy who has been living in Berlin for years, is now struggling between staying or going back to his country. One day, after failing to sell a bike he just stole, he bumps into his old partner, Hao-Yu, another Taiwanese guy whom he came to Berlin with in the first 

About the Director
Alan Chen, born and raised in Taipei, Taiwan, studied filmmaking for his bachelor in Taipei National University of the Arts. There, his graduation short film "Icarus" made his debut and was selected at 2019 Taiwan International Queer Film Festival. After, he went to MetFilm School Berlin for further education in film directing. "Goodbye Taipei" was the graduation short film project carried out by him and his fellow colleagues from MetFilm.




《對味》 Smells Right
陳鍋|美國 USA|2020|Color|24 min|劇情 Feature Film

海洋,一個有著非凡嗅覺的男同志,與一個對他來說有著完美氣味的男人,他為氣味而痴迷於這位短暫相遇的戀人。 然而,當他發現攜帶氣味的人與他的想像不同時,他開始懷疑自己的天賦。


Ocean, a gay man with an extraordinary sense of smell has a fleeting acquaintance with a man who smells perfect to him and falls obsessively in love by recreating the scents. However, he starts to doubt his talent when he finds out the person who carries the scent is different from his imagination.

About the director
Joe Chen is a director from China. Graduated from the Communication University of China in Broadcast Journalism, Joe is now a second-year directing grad student at Chapman University. His debut short film, The Mother, won Special Jury Mention at the Asian Film Festival of Dallas. In 2019, Joe's documentary, Coming Back Home Together, won Best Student Film at Guangzhou International Documentary Film Festival.


 放 映 資 訊

放映日期:2021/10/13 (三)、2021/10/20 (三)、2021/10/26 (二)


放映時間:選購場次當日 00:00~23:59 (請把握時間觀賞)

放映地點:KKTIX 虛擬場館

購票方式:KKTIX 網站

票  價:早鳥優惠票 NT$110 / 期間票 NT$130(可觀看本單元五部作品)


官  網:https://www.tiqff.com/

臉  書:https://www.facebook.com/tiqff



1. 請於購票完成後,憑收到的兌換碼至 兌換綜覽頁 兌換所選購的場次,放映當天請選擇兌換的票券進入觀賞。

2. 請留意兌換後,每部片(《雄雞卡克》、《不完美的完美》、《白馬,銀礦》、《再見臺北》、《對味》)可觀賞時間為選購場次 00:00~23:59 敬請把握時間觀賞。

3. 提醒您!請務必於放映場次前一日兌換完畢,以免影響您觀賞權利。




【單元六】《奇幻酷兒國》Q-topia  2021/10/13  《雄雞卡克》 A Cockerel’s Tale
《不完美的完美》 Imperfectly Complete
《白馬,銀礦》 White Horses, Silver Mine
《再見臺北》 Goodbye Taipei
《對味》 Smells Right
 2021/10/20 《雄雞卡克》 A Cockerel’s Tale
《不完美的完美》 Imperfectly Complete
《白馬,銀礦》 White Horses, Silver Mine
《再見臺北》 Goodbye Taipei
《對味》 Smells Right
 2021/10/26 《雄雞卡克》 A Cockerel’s Tale
《不完美的完美》 Imperfectly Complete
《白馬,銀礦》 White Horses, Silver Mine
《再見臺北》 Goodbye Taipei
《對味》 Smells Right

Event Dates