【兌換 10/13 場次】《不完美的完美》 Imperfectly Complete

《不完美的完美》 Imperfectly Complete

邱新達|台灣 Taiwan|2021| Color|14 min|劇情Feature Film



邱新達,出生於台北,從事廣告工作多年後旅美進修,畢業於美國南加州大學(USC)電影製作研究所,作品多關注社會議題。編導LGBTQ短片《日落日出》Sunset Sunrise入圍多個電影節,並於南加大亞太影展(USC Asian Pacific Film Festival)獲得評審團大獎。他也熱愛攝影,所掌鏡的紀錄短片操偶人生(Life on a String)入圍2019年美國電影攝影師協會(ASC)紀錄片類學生攝影獎。

Lucy has been taking care of Owen, a blind guitarist she admires, for years. One day, Owen received a phone call from the hospital. They have a cornea donor for him and he will be able to regain his vision. Lucy is happy for Owen, but in the meantime, she also faces the struggle of whether to reveal her true identity to Owen. She is afraid Owen will leave her once he knows who she really is. On the day Owen regains his vision, Lucy makes her decision…

About the Director

Bruce Chiu, born in Taipei and worked in the advertising industry for many years before went to America to study filmmaking at the University of Southern California. Many of his works focus on social issues. He directed and also as screenwriter for the short film Sunset Sunrise was selected in multiple film festivals and won the Jury Prize at the USC Asian Pacific Film Festival. He is the cinematographer for the short film Life on a String, and nominated Student Documentary award at the 2019 American Society of Cinematographers.




 線 上 放 映 資 訊

放映日期:2021/10/13 (三)

放映時間:00:00~23:59 (請把握時間觀賞)

放映地點:KKTIX 虛擬場館


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2021/09/09 00:00(+0800) ~ 2021/10/13 23:59(+0800) End of Sale
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