2021第八屆台灣國際酷兒影展 簡介

Body / Buddy


當萬花不再嬉春,不再Singing in the Rain,萬花性春是直接的身體、裸露的情慾流動,我們在街道談論愛在三部曲,在雪地裡無地自容,在vaporwave的粉紅泡泡裏迷失訊號,撲朔迷離。

Body/Buddy program includes six animation and experimental works to push the boundaries and limitations of filmmaking.


《粉紅先生》 Mr. Pink
蔡紹楷|台灣 Taiwan|2021|Color|5 min |動畫Animation



When dating a gorgeous girl, the boy can’t help being distracted by another guy who works in the restaurant. Unlike any other man, this guy somehow turns him on and ignites the deepest desire he has never imagined before. Tossed around in the tumultuous sea of emotions, the boy is struggling to hold on to the last string of sanity. 

About the Director
Tsai Shao-Kai, graduated from Bachelor of Digital Media Design at Asia University. Tsai is passionate about animation, stage concept design and plans to continue working in the animation and multimedia industry. 




《撲朔迷離》 More than 2
吳彥陞|台灣 Taiwan|2020|Color|9 min|動畫Animation



Robin and Ashley came to "here" from a distant hometown, with the purpose of conducting a secret work of cultural observation. But to live "here", they must obey some unspoken rules based on gender. Facing with such cultural differences, Robin and Ashley feel at a loss. Can they integrate into the society "here"?

About the Director
WU,YEN-SHENG,born in Taichung 1995 and moved to Tainan in 2013. Graduated with a Bachelor of Animation and Film Art at Tainan National University of the Arts. Wu loves Taina's casualness and coziness, his favorite word is freedom.




《迷失訊號》 Signal in My Body
洪協助|台灣 Taiwan|2020|Color|8 min|實驗 Experimental



Physical and mental are separated, and bodies don’t bear the weight of souls. 
It is an isolated island off the coast, also a station without signal.
We don’t have to climb along other’s rope anymore. 
There’s millions of signals in the river of time.
While the time of oblivion is flowing, we’re searching for the origin of the lost signal.
Begin with the flaking, end with the connection.

About the Director
HUNG,HSIEH-CHU,born in Liuqiu and grow up in Kinmen, always connected with the sea. Graduated from Bachelor of Radio and Television from National Chengchi University, currently working for the advertising industry. During the university period, 洪 spends half of the time doubting himself, and the other half of the time experiencing different things.




《無地自容》 Frozen out

周豪|美國 U.S.A.|2021|Color|4 min|紀錄 Documentary


An émigré retreats to unfamiliar lands, trying to find a meaningful story and escape the anxieties of dislocation. Delivered as a film-letter to the protagonist’s sister in rural China, the film considers the vulnerable nature of self, relationships, and home.


About the Director
Born in 1992 in Chongqing, China. ZHOU Hao directed, produced and played the main part in his debut feature The Night, which premiered in 2014 in Berlinale. The Night also won top prizes at Geneva Independent, Nara, China Independent and others. Zhou refined his filmmaking at Cannes Film Festival’s residency in Paris as well as Xining FIRST Training Camp, Talents Tokyo, and Berlinale Talents.




《打手槍》 Jerk it Off
范坡坡|中國 China|2021|Color|23 min|紀錄 Documentary



"Jerk It Off" is a post-porn video project explores the concepts and visual representations of masculinity and sexuality. Based on the interview and performance of 7 protagonists with penises, it features personal experience of manhood and exploration of self-identity besides reproducing the cohesion of male body and masculinity.

About the director
Popo Fan is a Berlin-based filmmaker, writer and activist from China. His queer documentaries have made a notable impact on Chinese society. From 2016, he has concentrated on scripted, sex-positive shorts. He has served as an organizer for the Beijing Queer Film Festival for more than a decade, and is also the founder of Queer University Video Training Camp. Additionally, he participated in Berlinale Talents 2017 and was a jury member of the Teddy Award in 2019.




《事後菸》The Morning after
陳霆瑋|台灣 Taiwan|2021|Color|16 min|劇情Feature Film



During the post-pandemic period, it was the fifth time that Tien met his fuckmate Jay in Taipei, whom only meet once a year . They smoked and chatted like before. 
At that day, Jay suddenly had heart attack, and it made Tien to rethink the relationship with him.

About the Director
CHEN,TING-WEI,graduated from Bachelor of Communication at National Chengchi University currently study Master of Film Studies - Major in Filmmaking at National Taiwan University of Arts. Chen is one of the FA talents for the Golden Horse Film Academy in 2020, and works as one of the directors for the short film Speedy Recovery. Chen cares about social issues, pays attention to every actos and the light of their eyes. Chen’s focus on short film production and styles mixed with realism and fantasy.


 放 映 資 訊

放映日期:2021/10/17 (日)、2021/10/19 (二)、2021/10/26 (二)


放映時間:選購場次當日 00:00~23:59 (請把握時間觀賞)

放映地點:KKTIX 虛擬場館

購票方式:KKTIX 網站

票  價:早鳥優惠票 NT$110 / 期間票 NT$130(可觀看本單元六部作品)


官  網:https://www.tiqff.com/

臉  書:https://www.facebook.com/tiqff



1. 請於購票完成後,憑收到的兌換碼至 兌換綜覽頁 兌換所選購的場次,放映當天請選擇兌換的票券進入觀賞。

2. 請留意兌換後,每部片(《粉紅先生》、《撲朔迷離》、《迷失訊號》、《無地自容》、《打手槍》、《事後菸》)可觀賞時間為選購場次 00:00~23:59 敬請把握時間觀賞。

3. 提醒您!請務必於放映場次前一日兌換完畢,以免影響您觀賞權利。




【單元五】《萬花性春》Body / Buddy  2021/10/17  《粉紅先生》 Mr. Pink
《撲朔迷離》 More than 2
《迷失訊號》 Signal in My Body
《無地自容》 Frozen out
《打手槍》 Jerk it Off *限制級

《事後菸》 The Morning after
 2021/10/19  《粉紅先生》 Mr. Pink
《撲朔迷離》 More than 2
《迷失訊號》 Signal in My Body
《無地自容》 Frozen out
《打手槍》 Jerk it Off *限制級
《事後菸》 The Morning after
 2021/10/26  《粉紅先生》 Mr. Pink
《撲朔迷離》 More than 2
《迷失訊號》 Signal in My Body
《無地自容》 Frozen out
《打手槍》 Jerk it Off *限制級
《事後菸》 The Morning after

Event Dates