2021第八屆台灣國際酷兒影展 簡介

Dear Family



Dear Family program, with five short films portraying the life of same-sex marriage's intimacy and parenthood.


《輕鬆搖擺》 Swingin’
郭尚興|台灣 Taiwan|2020|Color|23 min|劇情Feature Film

六年級的球球有一對同志爸爸,其中小爸爸胡家豪還是名華麗閃耀的爵士小號手,老師同學知道後都笑球球,有其父必有其子,認為他一定也是 GAY。
故事發生的這天,球球決心證明自己跟爸爸不一樣,他可是很 MAN 的直男,不是開玩笑的!

郭尚興,獨立製片電影與劇場編導、演員;曾入選柏林影展新銳導演(Berlinale Talents)。兩部輔導金短片《輕鬆搖擺》與《說白賊》及早期作品都曾在國際影展競賽或映演,包括法國克萊蒙費宏、台北及高雄電影節等。

Having gay dads, Qiu, a sixth-grade boy, takes action to prove to the world that, unlike his parents, he is straight and manly. It’s no joke!

About the Director
GUO, Shang-Sing .An alumnus of Berlinale Talents and NYU Graduate Film Program, GUO writes, directs and acts for both film and theatre. Notable works include Swingin’ (2020), Kong Peh Tshat or: How I Learned to Tell a Lie (2012) that competed in festivals including Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival, and Only Meal of the Day (2010) that traveled to festivals worldwide.




《澐澐》When the Tide Rises
姜智佳|中國 China|2021|Color|23 min|劇情



When homosexuality was depathologized in China in 2002, it still remained a taboo for the most. Homosexual lovers lived in the shadow of marginalization, defending their silent love against the prying gazes. 
It is also in this year that Xia Gu and Amber Zheng, two lesbian lovers, choose to adopt the 10-year-old Ellie from the orphanage. 
Yet facing the strong opposition from her traditional parents, Xia is torn in halves and forced to rethink what a family truly means to her. At the same time, her self-doubt also stirs up insecurities inside Amber and Ellie. When she decides to return to hometown to take care of her suicidal mother, the tension in this newly formed family mounts up once again…

About the director
Currently a Bachelor of Fine Arts at University of Southern California, School of Cinematic Arts, majoring in Film & Television Production and minoring in Art History. During my 4 years in Los Angeles, I started to grow interest in a gendered narrative and have kept exploring diverse stories featuring Asian characters.




《非婚之婚》Like A Marriage
鄭子樂|香港 Hong Kong|2020| Color|30 min|劇情Feature Film

同志戀人陳睿與家榮恩愛甜蜜羨煞旁人,但前者為滿足母親期望,決定與女同志鳳鳴假結婚,有如局外人的家榮只能無奈接受, 當上不能見光的地下情人。大龍鳳喜宴熱鬧過後,一對同志情侶就只能繼續戴上面具,飾演從來不應該屬於他們的故事角色。當婚姻由一場娛樂大家的演出,變成瞞騙度日的責任,幸福,或許注定只是奢想。

鄭子樂,影片製作人,畢業於香港知專設計學院 — 傳意設計及數碼媒體學系。曾參與並製作多部短片,而編導作品《非婚之婚》入選「鮮浪潮國際短片節」及「香港同志電影節」。

Gay partners Chan Yui and Ka Wing are happily in love, before Chan Yui enters a marriage of convenience with his lesbian friend Fung Ming to appease the parents. However, the sham marriage does not seem much of a solution as lies and parental expectations continue to pile up. Under great pressure, Ka Wing has no choice but to accept the arrangement as he practises emergency drills of hiding in the closet. Can things go back to normal for Chan Yui and Ka Wing? Are they destined to live in lies with happiness out of reach? 

About the Director
CHENG Tsz-lok graduated from the Hong Kong Design Institute, majoring in Communication Design and Digital Media. Short film “Like A Marriage” has been shortlisted for “Fresh wave International Short Film festival” and “32st Hong Kong Lesbian and Gay Film Festival”.




《九點之後》After Nine
魏芝璿|台灣 Taiwan|2020|Color|22 min|紀錄Documentary



In 2019, as people joyfully celebrating Taiwan becoming the first country in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage, one group of people was left out. 
At 9 pm, Teddy gets off work from the factory. She then goes to restore those claw machines, which have been mass cloning in Taiwan recently. Working 15 hours a day is her common routine. 
Transnational marriage and sex/gender, this is how Teddy leads her life…

About the Director
WEI,CHIH-HSUAN,born in Hsinchu 1999 and graduated from the Department of Communication Management of Shih Hsin University, this film is the first documentary work.



《非法母親》Legit Moms, Illegitimate Kid
朱詩倩|台灣 Taiwan|2020|Color|21 min|紀錄Documentary



In 2019, Mota and City became each other’s wife. In order to have their own child and become mothers, they go on a 424-day journey full of physical challenges, psychological traumas and the restrictions imposed by the law. The pain, suffering, grievances, sadness and tears they have endured represent not only hardship but happiness, joy and boundless love.

About the Director
Born in 1977, Michelle CHU graduated with a master’s degree from the Department of Motion Pictures of NTUA and has served as executive producer on most films directed by Yang Li-chou. Currently, she runs the Backstage Studio Co., Ltd. Chu not only produces but directs documentaries, and her works have been selected and won prizes at the film festivals in Taiwan as well as abroad. Her directorial works include Legid Moms Illegitimate Kid, Starfish Girl, Darling, How Are You?  and Someone Else's Shinjuku East.


 放 映 資 訊

放映日期:2021/10/13(三)、2021/10/25 (一)、2021/10/27 (三)


放映時間:選購場次當日 00:00~23:59 (請把握時間觀賞)

放映地點:KKTIX 虛擬場館

購票方式:KKTIX 網站

票  價:早鳥優惠票 NT$110 / 期間票 NT$130(可觀看本單元五部作品)


官  網:https://www.tiqff.com/

臉  書:https://www.facebook.com/tiqff



1. 請於購票完成後,憑收到的兌換碼至 兌換綜覽頁 兌換所選購的場次,放映當天請選擇兌換的票券進入觀賞。

2. 請留意兌換後,每部片(《輕鬆搖擺》、《澐澐》、《非婚之婚》、《九點之後》、《非法母親》)可觀賞時間為選購場次 00:00~23:59 敬請把握時間觀賞。

3. 提醒您!請務必於放映場次前一日兌換完畢,以免影響您觀賞權利。




【單元四】《親愛的,家人》Dear Family  2021/10/13  《輕鬆搖擺》 Swingin’
《澐澐》When the Tide Rises
《非婚之婚》Like A Marriage
《九點之後》After Nine
《非法母親》Legit Moms, Illegitimate Kid
 2021/10/25 《輕鬆搖擺》 Swingin’
《澐澐》When the Tide Rises
《非婚之婚》Like A Marriage
《九點之後》After Nine
《非法母親》Legit Moms, Illegitimate Kid
 2021/10/27  《輕鬆搖擺》 Swingin’
《澐澐》When the Tide Rises
《非婚之婚》Like A Marriage
《九點之後》After Nine
《非法母親》Legit Moms, Illegitimate Kid

Event Dates