2021第八屆台灣國際酷兒影展 簡介


Youth Desire




Youth Desire program tackles the youth's fascination with sex and romanticism.


《迷藏》 Hidden
郭玄奇|台灣 Taiwan|2021|Color|30 min|劇情Feature Film



Since beginning to explore his sexuality and identity privately via the Internet and dating apps, thirteen-year-old Xiao-Wei has felt distanced from his straight friends. In keeping the fact that he’s gay from his best friend Pin-Rui, Xiao-Wei doesn’t realize his closest friend has been carrying a secret of his own.

About the Director
Kuo Hsuan-Chi, 1984 was born in Chiayi, Taiwan. He was graduated in Taipei National University of The Arts, and Shih Hsin University, Department of Radio, Television & Film. He focuses his movies on gay teens issues of growing up and sexually assault.




《卜生》 A Scx Life Production
少年K|台灣 Taiwan|2019|Color|45 min|紀錄Documentary



As the protagonist and the director of “A Scx-Life Production”, K reviews his own exploration on sex just like the film title he creates – it seems there’s something lost and missing in his “teenager-sex”. The documentary film reflects K’s homo-sexaul teenager life experience and feelings on his own way of growing up, representing an inclusive case of certain Taiwanese youngsters. The film title may not make any sense, all because there is still much hidden and unsaid.

About the Director
Born in 2001, I grew up from a rather conservative family education compared to others of my generation. Unexpectedly I had an experience of making a documentary when I was about 17 years old. The film work refined my exploration and thoughts on the awakening of my homosexual desires timely. Now, I’m no longer a young adult, but still, I’d be working on how to stand on my own feet and to face the unknown future.




《雨水直接打進眼睛》 One Summer’s Day
王彥蘋|台灣 Taiwan|2020|Color|24min|劇情Feature Film



Summer’s coming.
Hsuan, Yei, and Chi will jump into the pool together.
Yei is always faster than Hsuan, but she doesn’t care about racing.
All she wants is to stay with Chi, slowly, naturally, till they arrive Taipei.

About the Director
WANG,YEN-PING, born in Taichung Shalu 1996, currently living in Taipei. Graduated from Bachelor of FIlmmaking at Taipei National University of the Arts,《One Summer's Day》is her graduation work. Currently a freelancer and specialise in directing. 


 放 映 資 訊

放映日期:2021/10/16 (六)、2021/10/22 (五)、2021/10/28 (四)


放映時間:選購場次當日 00:00~23:59 (請把握時間觀賞)

放映地點:KKTIX 虛擬場館

購票方式:KKTIX 網站

票  價:早鳥優惠票 NT$110 / 期間票 NT$130(可觀看本單元四部作品)


官  網:https://www.tiqff.com/

臉  書:https://www.facebook.com/tiqff



1. 請於購票完成後,憑收到的兌換碼至 兌換綜覽頁 兌換所選購的場次,放映當天請選擇兌換的票券進入觀賞。

2. 請留意兌換後,每部片(《迷藏 》、《卜生》、《雨水直接打進眼睛》)可觀賞時間為選購場次 00:00~23:59 敬請把握時間觀賞。

3. 提醒您!請務必於放映場次前一日兌換完畢,以免影響您觀賞權利。




【單元三】《青春玩高潮》Youth Desire  2021/10/16  《迷藏》 Hidden
《卜生》 A Scx Life Production
《雨水直接打進眼睛》 One Summer’s Day
 2021/10/22  《迷藏》 Hidden
《卜生》 A Scx Life Production
《雨水直接打進眼睛》 One Summer’s Day
 2021/10/28  《迷藏》 Hidden
《卜生》 A Scx Life Production
《雨水直接打進眼睛》 One Summer’s Day

Event Dates