2021第八屆台灣國際酷兒影展 簡介

Queer Shanghai


Shanghai Queer is a first-of-its-kind documentary film about LGBTQ’s pursuit of equality and freedom in Shanghai, China.


《上海酷兒》 Shanghai Queer
陳想起|中國 China|2019|Color|89 min|紀錄Documentary



Shanghai Queer is a first-of-its-kind documentary film about LGBTQ’s pursuit of equality and freedom in Shanghai, China. The documentary tells the collective memories of the development of Shanghai’s LGBTQ community over the past 15 years (2003-2018), presenting and focusing on the mission, growth and thoughts of NGOs, activists, scholars and artists in the gender equality movement under the change of urban spaces. Through oral interviews with activists and tours around local queer spaces, the documentary discusses China's LGBTQ-related issues and depicts a picture of local activism fighting for the minority's equality.

About the Director
Xiangqi Chen, promoter and practitioner of LGBT community. Founder of a Chinese lesbian website in 2002, and founder of Shanghai NvAi in 2005, the first grass-root NGO dedicated to queer women in China. Organizer of performance art against sexual harassment “I can seduce, you can’t harass” in 2012. Founder of community spaces including Shanghai LGBT Cultural Center and Feminist Café from 2008 to 2012. Producer of The VaChina Monologues in 2013, and the documentary presents the development of 10 years’ history of theatre, “The Vagina Monologues“ in China. 



 放 映 資 訊

放映日期:2021/10/14 (四)、2021/10/18 (一)、2021/10/25 (一)

放映時間:選購場次當日 00:00~23:59 (請把握時間觀賞)

放映地點:KKTIX 虛擬場館

購票方式:KKTIX 網站

票  價:早鳥優惠票 NT$110 / 期間票 NT$130


官  網:https://www.tiqff.com/

臉  書:https://www.facebook.com/tiqff

Event Dates