2021第八屆台灣國際酷兒影展 簡介



Panorama Section
A Distant Place (2020) by Park Kun-Young, a heartfelt story of romance and the definition of family, gracefully captured through mesmerizing performances and breathtaking scenery. At the End of Evin (2021), question why there is such a high transexual operations population in Iran. Love, Spells and All That (2019) by the talented Turkish director Ümit Ünal, captures the island's beauty, but people on it are under oppression by society.


《愛在春光乍現時》A Distant Place 
朴健英 Park Kun-Young|南韓 South Korea|2020|Colour|119 min

2021 Outfest 洛杉磯同志影展
2020 塔林黑夜電影節

「⋯⋯色彩的出色運用,加上那些對秋冬時節林野景色的細膩描繪,無疑為本片的攝影大大地增色。這些僅僅是單純突出了佈景的鏡頭,是綜觀整部電影最令人記憶猶新的部分。」 — 亞洲電影脈衝評論



1984生,現居韓國首爾。執導過多部短片作品,其中包括曾於2016台灣國際兒童影展放映的短片《沉默之聲》。首部劇情長片《To My River》,曾入圍全州國際電影節。 

2021 Outfest 
2020 Black Nights International Film Festival

"...the cinematography, with the images of the autumn and winter in the fields and the forest being truly exquisite, intensified by the excellent use of color. These sequences, which simply highlight the setting, are among the most memorable in the movie," - Asian Movie Pulse Film Review. 

Jin-woo moved away from the city to live like a shepherd and raise his niece, Seol. Life was peaceful until his former same-sex lover Hyun-min showed up. The people react to the two men's secret relationship with anger and discrimination. On top of that, Seoul's disappearing mother came back to take her away. Will Jin-woo ever be able to keep Hyun-min and Seol with him? 

A Distant Place is a heartfelt story of romance and the definition of family, gracefully captured through mesmerizing performances and breathtaking scenery.

About the Director 
Born in 1984, based in Seoul, South Korea. Director Park has made various short films, including Silent Boy, screened at Taiwan International Children's Film Festival in 2016. His first feature film, To My River, was selected for Jeonju International Film Festival. 




《最終的羔羊》At the End of Evin
穆罕默德‧托拉-貝吉 Mohammad Torab-Beigi &邁赫迪‧托拉-貝吉 Mehdi Torab-Beigi|伊朗 Iran|2021|Colour|78 min

「請看,火與柴都有了,但燔祭的羊羔在那裡呢?」(創世紀 22:7)



"But where is the lamb for the burnt offering?" (Genesis 22:7)

A transsexual named Amen is optimistically planning to do gender reassignment surgery to start a new life. One day, Amen meets Naser who is willing to pay for the operation, but Amen doesn't know the truth behind Naser's intention. Being a transsexual was hard enough in Iran for Amen, let alone the misfortune of being replaced as a murderer.

About the Directors
At the End of Evin is the first feature film directed by Mohammad Torab-Beigi & Mehdi Torab-Beigi. “The main subject of this film is sexual identity in a sexistic situation.” said the directors, “According to the statistics in Iran, the transgender population exceeds 24000, a high percentage of which intends to change the gender. What would be the main reason for such a high demand?”




《意亂情迷只為妳》Love,Spells and All That 
烏米烏納 Ümit Ünal|土耳其 Turkey|2019|Colour|96 min

2020 伊斯坦堡國際影展 – 最佳編劇、最佳女主角

「作為一名在1980年開始擔任編劇與導演,這部片是我對土耳其的傳統電影與現代政府的壓制政權給予的回應。」– 導演烏米烏納


烏米烏納,1965年生於土耳其,編劇了八部長片作品、出版五本書籍。包括短篇小說集與自傳。首部執導的長片作品《九 Dokuz》於2003年代表土耳其,角逐該年度的奧斯卡金像獎最佳外語片獎。

2020 Istanbul International Film Festival – Best Screenplay, Best Actress

"As a screenwriter-director who honed his craft in the 1980s, this is my contemporary response to the conventional Turkish cinema and my country's climate getting more oppressive by the day." said director Ümit Ünal. 

Eren and Reyhan had a love affair when they were teenagers and were forced into separation by their parents. Eren returns to the island 20 years later, but Reyhan believes what brings Eren back is not love but a spell that Reyhan put on Eren 20 years ago. The two women start a daylong journey in Büyükada, an Istanbul island, trying to remove the spell. 

About the Director 
Born in 1965 in Turkey, Ümit Ünal is the scriptwriter for eight feature films. His first feature film as a director, 9 (Dokuz), was the Official Turkish Entry for the 2003 Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. He has published five books: A collection of short stories, three novels and an autobiography. 


 放 映 資 訊

放映日期:2021/10/16 (六)、2021/10/17 (日)、2021/10/20 (三)、

     2021/10/21 (四)、2021/10/22 (五)、2021/10/25 (一)、

     2021/10/27 (三)、2021/10/31 (日)


放映時間:選購場次當日 00:00~23:59 (請把握時間觀賞)

放映地點:KKTIX 虛擬場館

購票方式:KKTIX 網站

票  價:早鳥優惠票 NT$110 / 期間票 NT$130


官  網:https://www.tiqff.com/

臉  書:https://www.facebook.com/tiqff

單元 片名



【大單元七】電影大觀 《愛在春光乍現時》A Distant Place 




《最終的羔羊》At the End of Evin




《意亂情迷只為妳》Love,Spells and All That




Event Dates