2021第八屆台灣國際酷兒影展 簡介


Boys' Love



Boys' Love Section 
Premiering Gameboys: The Movie (2021) by Ivan Andrew Payawal, adapted from one of the most successful BL series of the same title, is a coming-of-age infused with intoxicating sweetness and romance throughout the film. Another series adaptation, Hello Stranger: The Movie (2021), by award-winning director Dwein Baltazar, is a perfect summer camp love story without the parent trap. Japanese comic adaption, Coming Home (2021) by Ryuta Inoue, starring Yuki Furukawa and Ryo Ryusei, the two lost souls trying to overcome their fears and find comfort with each other.


電競男孩:電影版 Gameboys: The Movie (閉幕片)

伊萬・安德魯・帕亞瓦爾 Ivan Andrew Payawal|菲律賓 Philippines|2021|Colour| 108 min

「愛就是愛,除了在刻骨銘心的好萊塢經典中尋找共感之外,全球LGBT+的觀眾們也有了值得一看的新選擇。」— Digital Spy




菲律賓編劇與導演伊萬・安德魯・帕亞瓦爾(Ivan Andrew Payawal),製作多部長片與電視影集如《I America》入選東京國際影展、電視劇《Unconditional》與《Love vs The Stars》都為菲律賓電視台Cignal TV製作出版,導演多部作品都成功打入當地Netflix市場。導演同時也在2020年製作了首部Youtube 影集《Gameboys》成為菲律賓首部BL影集打入國際市場,《Gameboys》第二季預計將於今年播出。

“...love is love, and LGBTQ+ viewers from around the world deserve to see themselves in the same classic love stories that are usually reserved for Hollywood.”  — Digital Spy. 


Adapted from one of the most successful BL series of the same title, Gameboys: The Movie is a coming-of-age infused with intoxicating sweetness and romance throughout the film. Cairo and Gavreel, two gamer boys, had a sleepover, and they never thought it would turn into a relationship test. Will Cairo and Gavreel be able to prove once again that their love for each other is strong enough to withstand fate and circumstance? 


About the Director

Ivan Andrew Payawal, a Filipino writer and director, has created various successful works, including I America, selected for Tokyo International Film Festival. In 2019, Ivan shifted to television series production, including Unconditional and Love vs The Stars for Cignal TV. In 2020, he directed the Youtube series Gameboys which became one of the most popular BL series  Gameboys Season two is expecting to be released in 2021.





《你好陌生人:電影版》Hello Stranger: The Movie
杜溫・巴塔札 Dwein Baltazar|菲律賓 Philippines|2021|Colour| 101min


「《你好陌生人:電影版》為一個優雅且有力的比喻著當朋友與陌生人之間的模糊地帶,若能突破這難關,兩人將可證明出愛的無限與奇幻」—  LIONHEAR TV


2012年首次執導電影《Mamay Umeng》便一鳴驚人,贏得了南韓全州國際電影節最佳劇情片大獎,接著第二部長片《那些我們想像的愛情》入選了卡羅威瓦利、釜山等影展以外,更是奪下了當年金馬影展的奈派克獎。最新作品《你好陌生人:電影版》則是她首次挑戰執導的商業向電影。

“Hello Stranger: The Movie ultimately breaks down to a graceful, and powerful metaphor, when the cycle of being strangers to friends to the other way around, finally ends and becomes a fitting testament to love’s universality, and its unending wonders” — LIONHEAR TV. 

Adapted from the hopeless romantic same-titled BL (boys’ love) series, Xavier and his group of friends were on their way to the writing camp. When they got there, Xavier unexpectedly ran into Mico, who had some history with Xavier six months ago. Pretending to be a stranger, but they can’t lie to their heart and true desires. 

About the Director 
Award-winning Dwein Baltazar, her debut feature Mamay Umeng won Best Picture at Jeonju International Film Festival in 2012. Continuously her works got successfully selected into Busan, Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic), Golden Horse Film Festival and won NETPAC award in 2018. Hello Stranger: The Movie is the first commercial movie she directed.





《在回家之後重新開始》Coming Home 
井上龍太 Ryuta Inoue|日本 Japan|2020||Colour| 99min

「美學、音樂和整體氛圍都十分暖心和療癒,放鬆、紓壓必看!」—《The Drama Duchess》

改編自ココミ創作同名BL漫畫,由日版《惡作劇之吻》古川雄輝  《與妳的第100次愛戀》龍星涼領銜主演的療癒系純愛電影《在回家之後重新開始》堂堂登場!

因為在都市闖蕩失敗,失意青年孤塚光臣(古川雄輝 飾)只好回到故鄉讓一切「重頭來過」。正試著融入離開已久的家鄉時,意外認識了溫柔率直的孤兒熊井大和(龍星涼 飾),兩人開始相知、相惜。這兩個寂寞的靈魂是否能克服恐懼,成為彼此的光,互相溫暖內心並照亮通往希望和未來的道路?

身為導演、製片與製作人的井上龍太,製作的多部電視影集在知名電視台播放如TBS,TXN 和 TV Asahi EX。《在回家之後重新開始》是井上龍太執導的首部劇情長片。

“The aesthetics, music and entire ‘feel’ of this film is so tranquil and calm, you can’t help but feel at ease while watching it” - The Drama Duchess. 

Adapted from Cocomi‘s BL comic Restart After Coming Back Home (リスタートはただいまのあとで), starring Yuki Furukawa and Ryo Ryusei, is about the two lost souls trying to overcome their fears and find comfort with each other. Mitsuomi Kozuka went back to his hometown after losing his job in Tokyo. Trying to reconnect with his hometown that he once left, he met Yamato, who was once an orphan. Together they find hope and a future within. 

About the Director 
Ryuta Inoue has been the executive producer for numerous tv-series for TBS, TXN and TV Asahi EX in Japan. Coming Home is his first feature film as Director and Producer. 



 放 映 資 訊

放映日期:2021/10/12 (二)、2021/10/15 (五)2021/10/16 (六)

     2021/10/22 (五)、2021/10/23 (六)、2021/10/29 (五)

     2021/10/30 (六)2021/10/31 (日)


放映時間:選購場次當日 00:00~23:59 (請把握時間觀賞)

放映地點:KKTIX 虛擬場館

購票方式:KKTIX 網站

票  價:早鳥優惠票 NT$110 / 期間票 NT$130


官  網:https://www.tiqff.com/

臉  書:https://www.facebook.com/tiqff


單元 片名



【大單元三】BL專題 Boys' Love 《電競男孩:電影版》Gameboys: The Movie




《你好陌生人:電影版》Hello Stranger: The Movie




《在回家之後重新開始》Coming Home 




Event Dates