2021第八屆台灣國際酷兒影展 簡介


Days of Being Proud


Days of Being Proud Section
Festival Opening Film Queendom (2021) documented how the pandemic affected the fabulous Paris drag scene. Luz (2020) by John Garcia tells the Latinx community's prison love story in America. Boy Meets Boy (2021) is a mumblecore about the journey of a brief encounter: the mark left by a fleeting moment of joy in Berlin. 


馬可・諾瓦 Marco Novoa & 西蒙・維威耶 Simon Vivier|法國 France|2021|Colour|62 min


「我們想要突顯變裝皇后在法國的面貌:放棄了什麼、同時又自我揭露了些什麼。」— 西蒙・維威耶於Europe 1的電台訪談

巴黎的變裝皇后圈,在近年來的發展聲勢日漸龐大。本紀錄片即貼身捕捉了三位在巴黎名聲響亮的變裝皇后: 飛利浦(Le Filip)、邵戈 拉迪雷(Shigo LaDurée )和 餅乾 昆蒂(Cookie Kunty)的生活,同時紀錄在新冠病毒危機的期間,他們所面臨的日常挑戰。

馬可・諾瓦與西蒙・維威耶兩人結為伴侶已有11年。本作Queendom為兩人所聯合執導的首部紀錄片。馬可的作品備受好評,並因此有過與香奈兒、亞曼尼等品牌合作的經歷。西蒙在作為導演身份之餘,曾擔任喜劇劇集《Scènes de Ménages》的美術專員等相影視製作職位。

"We wanted to show what it's like to drag today in France: what we give up, what we expose ourselves to", said Simon Vivier interviewed with Europe 1.

The Paris drag scene has grown enormously over the past several years. As France grapples with the Covid crisis, this documentary follows the lives of three iconic drag queen figures, Le Filip, Shigo LaDurée and Cookie Kunty; an up-close look at the day-to-day challenges they face.

About the Directors
Marco Novoa and Simon Vivier have been together as a couple for 11 years. Queendom is their first joint documentary. Marco's works had won wide acclaim, giving him a chance to collaborate with brands such as Chanel and Armani. Simon has his fiction projects and is the art department coordinator for the hit comedy series Scènes de Ménages.





《亨利的柏林假期》Boy Meets Boy 
丹尼爾・桑切斯・洛佩茲 Daniel Sánchez López|德國 Germany|2021| Colour|75 min


「洛佩茲與知名攝影師漢娜•比恩斯塔德的合作,使這部電影增添了一種吸引人的親密感。攝影機運用特寫鏡頭時,讓觀眾更接近這兩位男主角,同時也將觀眾帶進入了屬於他們的私人時光中。」─ 《Screendaily》

來自英國的亨利(Henry) 去柏林度過他的假日,就在最後一晚的舞池裡認識了約翰內斯 (Johannes)。兩人因此一起渡過了亨利所剩在柏林的時間,從網咖到早餐店到街上閒晃,更滲透的讓彼此了解另一方的生活與價值觀。透過「喃喃自語」型(mumblecore)電影手法,《亨利的柏林假期》是一部關於短暫相遇旅程與時光留下的印記。

丹尼爾•桑切斯•洛佩斯 (Daniel Sánchez López) 於1990 年出生於西班牙拉曼恰,《亨利的柏林假期》是他的首部長片作品,擔任導演、編劇和製片角色。 丹尼爾目前同時擔任 柏林 Visionär 國際電影節的節目專員。

"Lopez collaborates with cinematographer Hanna Biornstad to lend the film an appealing intimacy. Favouring close-ups at key points, the camera also edges us nearer to the two men, inviting us into their special day" - Screendaily. 

Harry has been partying for 48 hours when he meets Johannes on the dance floor in Berlin. With 15 hours until Harry's flight home, Johannes offers to help Harry print his boarding pass. This mundane task leads to a day together wandering the city. The contrasts in their lives and values force them to confront their own truths. Boy Meets Boy is a mumblecore about the journey of a brief encounter: the mark left by a fleeting moment of joy.

About the Director 
Daniel Sánchez López is a director, screenwriter and producer, born in 1990 in La Mancha, Spain. Boy Meets Boy (2021) is his debut feature film as a producer, screenwriter and director. Daniel is also currently working as a programmer for the Visionär International Film Festival in Berlin.





喬恩・賈西亞 Jon Garcia|美國 USA|2020|Colour|118 min


2021 澳洲雪梨狂歡同志影展 Mardi Gras Film Festival
2020 西雅圖酷兒影展

「從白得清晰分明的監獄粉牆,到氛圍更加曖昧幽微的拉美社會,這部片能讓人毫無壓力地沈浸其中。兩位健壯迷人的演員擁有十足的發揮空間,也在鏡頭引領下讓觀眾們無法自拔陷入劇情中。」— 酷兒影評



2021 Mardi Gras Film Festival
2020 Seattle Queer Film Festival 

"From the crisp white walls of the prison to the more subtle tones of the Latinx community the men live in. It's an easy film to let wash over you. Two strong, appealing leads get plenty to play with, and the camera draws us in." - The Queer Review.

Ruben and Carlos are cellmates. When Ruben struggles to learn the ropes of daily prison life, Carlos becomes a mentor and eventually a lover. The two men develop feelings for one another they can't easily express. After being released, questions loom…

About the Director
Jon Garcia is a Portland and Houston-based filmmaker who has made plenty of feature films and music videos in his career. He has also worked with Oregon Public Broadcasting, Amazon crew in Brooklyn, and Wacom to produce various videos.



 放 映 資 訊

放映日期:2021/10/12 (二)、2021/10/14 (四)、2021/10/17 (日)、

     2021/10/19 (二)、2021/10/22 (五)、2021/10/27 (三)、

     2021/10/29 (五)、2021/10/30 (六)


放映時間:選購場次當日 00:00~23:59 (請把握時間觀賞)

放映地點:KKTIX 虛擬場館

購票方式:KKTIX 網站

票  價:早鳥優惠票 NT$110 / 期間票 NT$130


官  網:https://www.tiqff.com/

臉  書:https://www.facebook.com/tiqff


單元 片名





《亨利的柏林假期》Boy Meets Boy





《關不住的眷戀》Luz *18禁









Event Dates