2021第八屆台灣國際酷兒影展 簡介


(Director in Focus:Koichi Imaizumi)

『今泉浩一集編劇、導演與演員於一身,演藝生涯從1990年代出演日本粉紅電影開始,截至目前已擁有參與超過一百部成人影片和獨立電影演出的傲人紀錄。除了表演之外,他在1999年與岩佐浩樹共同成立了 habakari-cinema records 公司,並展開了他的導演人生。

《完全家族》 The Family Complete 
今泉浩一  Koichi Imaizumi|日本 Japan|2010|Colour|106 min

2010 金馬影展 – 超限制級特別放映

「顛覆傳統家庭道德觀,也同時挑戰父權及感官尺度的雙重極限,是本年度最具爭議的家庭寓言。」— 2010 金馬影展


"Subverting traditional family ethics, and at the same time challenging the limits of patriarchy and sensory scale, is the most controversial family fable this year" —
 2010 Golden Horse Film Festival.

A mysterious virus is spreading, and the family of three generations caught it. What this virus does is make them fall in love with their grandfather and desire for sexual relationships. But one of the grandkids is longing for true love and trying to cure this virus. This extraordinary film will subvert your imagination and limitation on what family values ​​is. 

今泉浩一日本編劇、導演與演員。今泉浩一的演藝生涯從1990年代出演日本粉紅電影開始,截至目前已擁有參與超過一百部成人影片和獨立電影演出的傲人紀錄。除了表演之外,他在1999年與岩佐浩樹共同成立了 habakari-cinema records 公司,並展開了他的導演人生。

About the Director 
Actor, Writer and Director Koichi Imaizumi started his pink movie career in 1990 and has appeared in more than 100 videos, including adult videos and independent films. He founded his own production company, "habakari-cinema and records" with Hiroki Iwasa in 1999. 






《柔膚之秘法》The Secret to My Silky Skin
今泉浩一  Koichi Imaizumi|日本 Japan|2014|Colour|81 min 



“Love might be nothing more than an illusion or a misunderstanding, but it adds to life and can help keep us going. Sometimes dry, sometimes sweet: real life is no different, and it’s this tension that makes Imaizumi’s film utterly charming.” - Tagame Gengoroh. 

Based on a short manga by artist and illustrator Keiichi Takasaki, Ryota comes to Tokyo for a business trip and catches up with Issei who he has a casual sexual relationship with. From a pornography background, Director Kôichi doesn’t hold back on any nudity and sexual interaction between Ryota and Issei.

今泉浩一日本編劇、導演與演員。今泉浩一的演藝生涯從1990年代出演日本粉紅電影開始,截至目前已擁有參與超過一百部成人影片和獨立電影演出的傲人紀錄。除了表演之外,他在1999年與岩佐浩樹共同成立了 habakari-cinema records 公司,並展開了他的導演人生。

About the Director 
Actor, Writer and Director Koichi Imaizumi started his pink movie career in 1990 and has appeared in more than 100 videos, including adult videos and independent films. He founded his own production company, "habakari-cinema and records" with Hiroki Iwasa in 1999. 





《柏林漂流》 Berlin Drifters 
今泉浩一  Koichi Imaizumi|日本 Japan|2017|Colour|123 min 

2017 香港同志影展
2017 柏林情色電影節

「《柏林漂流》刻意顛覆觀眾對於愛情片的想像,開啟了對於角色們是否能找到自己欲求之事的爭論,同時也模糊了色情與情色電影的界定。」— 好萊塢報導


2017 Hong Kong Lesbian and Gay Film Festival 
2017 Porn Film Festival Berlin 

"...Berlin Drifters, an explicit, willfully confrontational romance that will split audiences down porn-versus-art lines while debating whether the characters found what they were looking for." - The Hollywood Reporter. 

Koichi is a loner living in Berlin, while Ryota went to Berlin to find his true love and happiness. The two Japanese men' lives intersected in a Berlin bar somehow ended up living together. Almost like a friend with benefits, but Koichi has an unexplainable feeling for Ryota, who goes out to hook up frequently. How will those two drifters go on with their lives? 

今泉浩一日本編劇、導演與演員。今泉浩一的演藝生涯從1990年代出演日本粉紅電影開始,截至目前已擁有參與超過一百部成人影片和獨立電影演出的傲人紀錄。除了表演之外,他在1999年與岩佐浩樹共同成立了 habakari-cinema records 公司,並展開了他的導演人生。

About the Director 
Actor, Writer and Director Koichi Imaizumi started his pink movie career in 1990 and has appeared in more than 100 videos, including adult videos and independent films. He founded his own production company, "habakari-cinema and records" with Hiroki Iwasa in 1999. 




 放 映 資 訊

放映日期:2021/10/14 (四)、2021/10/15 (五)、2021/10/18 (一)、 

     2021/10/20 (三)、2021/10/23 (六)、2021/10/24 (日)、

     2021/10/26 (二)、2021/10/28 (四)、2021/10/29 (五)


放映時間:選購場次當日 00:00~23:59 (請把握時間觀賞)

放映地點:KKTIX 虛擬場館

購票方式:KKTIX 網站

票  價:早鳥優惠票 NT$110 / 期間票 NT$130


官  網:https://www.tiqff.com/

臉  書:https://www.facebook.com/tiqff


單元 片名



《完全家族》 The Family Complete




《柔膚之秘法》The Secret to My Silky Skin




《柏林漂流》 Berlin Drifters 




Event Dates