【兌換 10/27 場次】《澐澐》When the Tide Rises

《澐澐》When the Tide Rises

姜智佳|中國 China|2021|Color|23 min|劇情




When homosexuality was depathologized in China in 2002, it still remained a taboo for the most. Homosexual lovers lived in the shadow of marginalization, defending their silent love against the prying gazes. 

It is also in this year that Xia Gu and Amber Zheng, two lesbian lovers, choose to adopt the 10-year-old Ellie from the orphanage. 

Yet facing the strong opposition from her traditional parents, Xia is torn in halves and forced to rethink what a family truly means to her. At the same time, her self-doubt also stirs up insecurities inside Amber and Ellie. When she decides to return to hometown to take care of her suicidal mother, the tension in this newly formed family mounts up once again…

About the director

Currently a Bachelor of Fine Arts at University of Southern California, School of Cinematic Arts, majoring in Film & Television Production and minoring in Art History. During my 4 years in Los Angeles, I started to grow interest in a gendered narrative and have kept exploring diverse stories featuring Asian characters.




 線 上 放 映 資 訊

放映日期:2021/10/27 (三)

放映時間:00:00~23:59 (請把握時間觀賞)

放映地點:KKTIX 虛擬場館


官  網:https://www.tiqff.com/

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2021/09/09 00:00(+0800) ~ 2021/10/27 23:59(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費