2021第八屆台灣國際酷兒影展 簡介


Love No Limits

【世紀時光】(Love No Limits)以《沒有彩虹的國度》、《基情!無碼!一刀未剪!》、《肌膚的選擇》三部長片關注跨越不同年齡界限的酷兒力作,關於在特定年代政權封閉及社會風氣底下,如何突破壓抑,大膽展現幻想與情色的各種可能。對於情愛的自我認同探索,是一輩子的課題,希望藉由這個單元讓觀眾體會到愛的光輝,不侷限於年紀,更多的是相互的真摯及無懼突破的為愛勇氣。

Love No Limits Section
Welcome to Chechnya: Inside the Russian Republic's Deadly War on Gays (2020), directed by award-winning director and New York Bestselling author David France, is a terrifying journey that uncovers the brutality against LGBTIQ+ in Russia. Found of Palm Drive Video in America, Raw! Uncut! Video! (2021) experiments and exposed men's all kinds of secret sexual desire and sensitivity. Filmed over two years, Under The Skin (2019), director Robin Harsch follows the transition of three trans teenagers Logan, Söan, and Mixair, from Switzerland. 


《沒有彩虹的國度》Welcome to Chechnya: Inside the Russian Republic’s Deadly War on Gays
大衛‧法蘭斯 David France|美國 USA|2020|Colour|107 min

2020 日舞影展 – 美國紀錄片單元 最佳剪輯獎
2020 柏林影展 – 泰迪熊行動家獎、觀眾票選最佳紀錄片獎

「《沒有彩虹的國度》是部恐怖片,但同時也見證了群眾面對高壓時無懼的一面。你無法否定『這種人』的存在,因為他們確實存在,且如同片中所指涉,他們不只是英雄,更是生存與毀滅之間的最後一道防線。」— 滾石雜誌



2020 Sundance Film Festival - U.S. Documentary Special Jury Award for Editing
2020 Berlin International Film Festival - Teddy Activist Award, Panorama Publikums (Audience Award) for Best Documentary

"Welcome to Chechnya is a horror movie, but it's also a collective profile in courage. You can't say that "such people" are not here. They are, and they're not just heroes, the movie suggests. They're the last thing standing between survival and a purge." - The Rolling Stone Magazine.

Since 2017, Chechnya's tyrannical leader, Ramzan Kadyrov, has waged a depraved operation to "cleanse the blood", to detain, torture and execute LGBTIQ people. Director David France uses a remarkable approach to anonymity to expose this atrocity and tell the story of this extraordinary group of activists who risk unimaginable peril to confront the ongoing anti-LGBTQ pogrom raging in the repressive and closed Russian republic.

About the Director
Director David France's first debut documentary, How to Survive A Plague, was nominated at the 85th Academy Awards. His second documentary, The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson, a Netflix Original Documentary, won numerous festival prizes and awards. Director David is also New York Times Bestselling Author and Award-Winning Investigative Journalist.





《基情!無碼!一刀未剪!》Raw! Uncut! Video!
艾力克斯・克勞森 Alex Clausen & 雷恩・A・懷特 Ryan A. White |美國 USA|2021|Colour|79 min

2021 舊金山國際同志影展
2021 Outfest 洛杉磯同志影展

棕櫚影像製作室 (Palm Drive Video)所創造出的藝術作品能打開那些演員的包袱,帶領觀眾一同探索那最深處、最兒少不宜的幻想性樂園。並且釋放觀眾的慾望,讓他們以安全、私密的方式,與他人『共享』這份奧妙。」— A&U Magazine

1980年代,愛滋恐慌開始在美國蔓延,傑克・佛里徹和馬克・韓利決定將一個農場改造成小型同志A片工作室,並命名為「棕櫚影像製作室(Palm Drive Video)」。藉由安全性行為與對抗愛滋為主打,影片提倡多元性癖好,大膽展現出情色幻想的各種可能性,讓觀看者在家中也能積極探索且體驗性的高潮點。


2021 Frameline
2021 Outfest

"Palm Drive Video made art that freed their models to explore and engage the viewer in their darkest, most NSFW sexual fantasies—and freed the viewer to "share" that fantasy in private, in safety" - A&U Magazine.

Palm Drive Video, a homegrown gay porn studio by Jack Fritscher and Mark Hemry back in the 1980s, helped battle a devastating health crisis by promoting kinky sex. They made the rural ranch into a safe-sex porn studio that offered viewers new sexual possibilities in an age of plague to explore their unique erotic fantasies onscreen and helped champion sex positivity in the porn industry.

About the Director
Ryan A. White is a documentary filmmaker who has made plenty of short and full-length documentaries and a lecturer in the Department of Communication at California State University. Alex Clausen is an artist who lives in Guerneville, California and has exhibited works at various galleries. Raw! Uncut! Video! is his first debut feature documentary.





《肌膚的選擇》Under the Skin
羅賓•哈施 Robin Harsch|瑞士 Switzerland|2019|Colour|85min


2020 阿姆斯特丹同志與移民影展 – 觀眾票選獎
2020 日內瓦國際人權影展 – 評審團特別提及

「在《肌膚的選擇》裡,羅賓・哈施毫不避諱地直搗核心,去碰觸那些在時下這個已然習於價值二分的社會中,受到冷落的、甚少被真的拿來談論的議題。」 – Cineuropa


羅賓・哈施(Robin Harsch),生於瑞士,身兼演員與導演的身份。執導過《Sophie Calle, près texte》、《Federer et moi》等短片作品與電視紀錄片的製作。本片《肌膚的選擇》,為其第二部紀錄長片作品。

2020 Amsterdam International Queer & Migrant Film Festival – Audience Award
2020 Geneva International Human Rights Forum Film Festival – Jury Special Mention

"In Under the Skin, Robin Harsch adopts a head-on and deeply intimate approach to tackling the all too rarely evoked topic of transidentity, of falling outside of binary categories" - Cineuropa.

Filmed over two years, Director Robin follows the transition of three trans teenagers Logan, Söan, and Mixair. The upheaval it causes in them, their loved ones and the quest for identity is buried deep within them. "The main characters quickly made me realized that I shouldn't try to understand trans identity, but to meet it," said director Robin.

About the Director
Actor and Director Robin Harsch, born in Switzerland, has made several works, including short films Sophie Calle, près texte and Federer et moi, and documentaries for a television production. Under the Skin is his second documentary feature film.



 放 映 資 訊

放映日期:2021/10/13 (三)、2021/10/15 (五)、2021/10/16 (六)、

     2021/10/18 (一)、2021/10/19 (二)、2021/10/24 (日)、

     2021/10/30 (六)、2021/10/31 (日)


放映時間:選購場次當日 00:00~23:59 (請把握時間觀賞)

放映地點:KKTIX 虛擬場館

購票方式:KKTIX 網站

票  價:早鳥優惠票 NT$110 / 期間票 NT$130


官  網:https://www.tiqff.com/

臉  書:https://www.facebook.com/tiqff


單元 片名




《沒有彩虹的國度》Welcome to Chechnya:
Inside the Russian Republic’s Deadly War on Gays





《基情!無碼!一刀未剪!》Raw! Uncut! Video!





《肌膚的選擇》Under the Skin




Event Dates